A Career Spanning 35 Years
- Heartfelt Thank You Letters
A. H. on behalf of her son 07/31/2007:

​​​​"We can never hope to thank you sufficiently for saving J.V.'s life.  There are no words... I felt he had a very good chance of being convicted and receiving  30 years in prison, day for day.

"Unlike any other attorney ever in my experience, private or public, you returned my calls.  You knew the law; and actually took time to research the case and speak graciously to an ever-changing cast of young, terrified, inarticulate witnesses... You even tied the tie!

"Despite the oddly lopsided proceedings, you were cordial, calm, concise and crystal clear.  That clarity cut through the prosecutorial haze, and stayed clear in the minds of the jury.

"I had no idea how many factors one must orchestrate and to how fine a degree, to present exactly the right argument in a strange courtroom before a hostile judicial staff.  You made it look easy."

On behalf of a juvenile charged in adult court 04/24/2009:

"As a veteran Guardian ad Litem I want to thank you as enthusiastically as I can for your focus and professional commitment to responsibly defending this child in adult court. Your efforts provided for responsible justice by protecting the public in assuring proper counseling and yet protecting this child's future and enabling him to enhance his education.  You are a credit..."

On behalf of a defendant facing a 1st degree felony and 30 years in prison 11/22/2013:

"We sincerely thank you  for your hard work on the and your absolutely fabulous success! We thought it was hopeless.  You have a God-given natural talent to get to the point.  We are amazed at how you clarified the reality and the verdict was favorable and just. The family...are aware that you saved the day.

Although convicted, still grateful:​​

"A personal thanks for the tremendous job you did at the sentencing hearing.  You pulled out all the stops and I have no doubt your presentation prevented a continuous, long jail term.  I will always be tremendously grateful."​​

Others Comments:​​

"Thanks for saving my freedom - a friend."

"Just a few words to say thank you for a good case well done.  I am very happy ​​​​that I did retain you."

"Thank you for all your help, for all your work, for being kind and trying to understand and solve people's problems.  You are a friend too."

"Thank you very much.  Thank you very much.  I always will remember you until the day I die."

"My wife and I sincerely and whole-heartedly thank you deep down from our hearts for your effort rendered for the speediness of my case.  We also thank God for chosing you to act as my lawyer.  A lawyer with so much patience, mercy and concern."​​​​​​

From a client charged with murder:​​

"Thank you for keeping it REAL with me like we say on the streets! I would recommend your services to anyone who wants a lawyer that will fully represent them and give them the right advice, so they can make the right decision for their case/life!" ​​

On behalf of a juvenile charged in adult court 04/24/2009:

On behalf of a juvenile charged in adult court 04/24/2009:

On behalf of a juvenile charged in adult court 04/24/2009:

On behalf of a defendant charged with a 1st degree felony facing 30 years:
Excerpts from actual letters of gratitude sent to James Ermacora.